• Slide 1

    Painting color for Wide Horizons Fundraising Party's best decoration from Wide Horizons students

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    Arranging the receive paper from projects to givie the donor

  • Slide 3

    Wide Horizons students participated with dancing in Mon National Day

Sunday 27 March 2016

Wide Horizons Students Blog Link

2015-2016 Wide Horizons Students Newsletter Volume 1

2015-2016 Wide Horizons Newsletter Volume 1 

Every year the Wide Horizons students plan, write, edit and publish student newsletters that are distributed to our donors, partners and friends in Thailand and abroad. During the 2015-16 academic year, the students published one newsletter in English that they subsequently translated into Burmese. 

The newsletters have been distributed and read all along the Thai-Burma border, as well as in faraway places like Europe and the United States and the feedback has always been overwhelmingly positive.

WH Newsletter Volume 1 ( 2015-2016) English 

WH Newsletter Volume 1 (2015-2016) Burmese

Saturday 26 March 2016

About us

The academic year 
Every year, WH accepts 24 students (12 male, 12 female) from a number of different locations in Thailand and Burma. We aim for a great level of diversity in our student body. On top of being from different locations the students also represent a number of different ethnicities and grass root organizations. All our students are young professionals from the development and education sector, and the skills they need are reflected in our curriculum. The Wide Horizons concept is based on the idea of experiential learning, which is the foundation foundation of all our courses and activities. Throughout the course, Wide Horizons moreover attempts to develop the critical thinking skills of our students and cultivate the thought processes associated with effective leadership.

Wide Horizons Location


List of Computer Subject in Wide Horizons 

First Trimester 
Microsoft word 2013
Microsoft excel 2013
Microsoft power point 2013

Second Trimester
Adobe In design CC
Adobe Photoshop CC

Third Trimester 
Video Edition
What is website
How to build the own Blog

Community Development Subject

"Monitoring & Evaluation" Or "M&E"

The term "Monitoring & Evaluation" or "M&E" are so commonly used together, that practitioners often mistake these two as the same process in the project cycle. In fact, "monitoring" and "evaluation" are very different processes!
So, WHAT IS MONITORING? To best way to understand the difference is to experience it.
Students were divided into 2 groups. The 1st group was the 'project do-er' and the 2nd group was the 'monitoring team'.
Their job? Project do-ers need to execute a set of given activities. This included folding a T-shirt in under 2 seconds by following an instructional video on Youtube, and flying a paper airplane from the girl's dorm to across the field.
The monitoring team needs to check if the activities were completed according to plan. This includes checking whether the tasks were completed on time and achieved the desired quality or performance. The monitoring team also needs to note down problems encountered during the activities and corrective actions that need to be taken to ensure problems do not go out of control.
By the end of the activity, the monitoring team reported their findings. Some project do-ers managed to complete all tasks within the given time frame and delivered the desired quality while some couldn't. They also suggested corrective actions to be performed in order to ensure the activities are completed.
Through this exercise, students learned that MONITORING is a process of checking the progress and quality of a project to ensure the expected activities, methods, schedule & finances are happening or managed as planned.
Monitoring is CONSTANT to ensure DAY-TO-DAY activities are carried out smoothly.


Weekly English subject in Wide Horizons 

In this week, we had done different reading books which were really interested for all of us. In order to share our different books to each group, we set up our classroom as a theatre by performing role play activities. We felt very impressed for this activities as they could have hooked us to be curious on their books. 
As the results of this activity, we could build self-confidence on speaking and which was provide grade for our reading, speaking exam. Then, we began to learn how to create the professional resume and cover letter for our future work placement.

On Tuesday, Wide Horizons students had a training, "conflict" by Anne. It means fighting, against something between two people. She introduced the topics of the trainings by "forth and backward" game. Meanwhile she asked students several questions people to perceive different experiences of life.
In classroom, individually we had to distribute our challenges, listening, judges, and solutions in order to express our best perspectives. She further clarified to behave as active listeners and having personal space between two people during communicating or behaving. Finally, students got comprehension to be active listeners and keep personal space.

Persuasion Skills

Persuasion Skills 

Last week was a wonderful week. We have learned persuasion skills from English class.
It is really important to know how to persuade other people because it is very useful when we write proposal to donors or making other people to accept our ideas.

Persuasion means we want to change other people view when we give message to them. There are 3 things we must use to persuade. Those are logic, credibility and emotion.
We also learned about concession and refutation. Concession is something you do to end an argument or make something less difficult. Refutation is to attempt to prove the other person's argument is wrong, especially trying to prove the concession is wrong.

To practice those skills, we had debate about "Should students have boyfriend or girlfriend in WH?" Some students said, "We should not." Some other students said, "It is true we should not have boyfriend or girlfriend. However, we can not stop our heart and love."

Moreover, we edited our newsletter and prepare to create and send to thousand people such as choosing titles, translating and outlining layout the design for newsletter.
We will continue to practice concession and refutation.


Reading Exam with Drama 

In this week, we had done different reading books which were really interested for all of us. In order to share our different books to each group, we set up our classroom as a theatre by performing role play activities. We felt very impressed for this activities as they could have hooked us to be curious on their books. 
As the results of this activity, we could build self-confidence on speaking and which was provide grade for our reading, speaking exam. Then, we began to learn how to create the professional resume and cover letter for our future work placement.

Financial Literacy Training

Financial Literacy Training From Wide Horizons Students at Gate 14
Financial Literature Training From Wide Horizons Students 

On 4th of January, Wide Horizons students had received a 5-days financial literacy training from Khom Lay Foundation, then we had delivered to Gate-14 community nearby Thai-Myanmar border in Mae Sot. That training took place at Wide Horizons through 5 days which builds the ability of facilitation skills for us as a trainer to contribute to community. In this case, we consulted within group members to come out with an action plan to set up the training, then confirm a successful consensus from group members. In order to step the training, we had been divided into 4 groups with 6 members for each because every member have to participate and facilitate as a trainers in particularly. Moreover, it took time for translating English into Burmese, practicing the public speaking in Burmese. Furthermore, the participants are not only adults but also elders so that we are struggling with lesson plans to adjust the level of concept of participants, and be flexible on plans. Additionally, they are mostly migrants who are working at coal industries.

Before the period of training, by distributing the flyers, we did an announcement in community.  Then approximately, the names of participants had been recorded over 40. Based on the lists, we had prepared the criteria of training and contacted with participants in order to remind them to attend the training. According to the amount of participants, we had to compromise within groups due to gather the stationery which is appreciate with market session’s game which acts as actual market with attitude of customers, shopkeepers, police, industry, workers and so on. On the other hand, we sponsored participants 30 baht for each with some refreshment at the end of a day.

On the first day of training, over 40 participants had attended with motivation and one out of four, participants are with toddlers so that the trainers also needed to look after their kids such nanny. In particular, even though Burmese is not our own languages, we tried our best with full of compassion to distribute the knowledge to community. However, some participants were busy with their daily work and homework. Moreover, accepting the feedback from participants and analyze on it, then let the participants picked raffles for incentives. On the end day of the training, one of the participant’s group were appreciated the training and served the hospitality by banqueting Mong Him Khar, gourd fritter, steam, and juice, etc. This banquet with desserts was attracted trainers’ appetite and they ate those food satisfactorily.  All in all, we had successfully accomplished throughout the training.

Online Crowd Funding

Online Crowd Funding Mission from Wide Horizons 

Our aim is to keep this invaluable and life-changing program running as well as expand our impact into a changing Burma!
Wide Horizons operates with a very modest annual budget of $45,000 USD to house, feed, and educate 24 students for 10 months – the effects of which are immeasurable for the students and for their communities.
Unfortunately, our funding dropped significantly and we are currently facing difficulties in financing every year with funding shifts on the border. In order to keep our school operating and ensure we can continue providing a healthy and safe living and learning environment for our students and teachers, we need to raise funds with crowdfunding and in the field with student-led fundraising projects. Between the 2 fundraising projects, we hope to raise $10,000 to help supplement our funding for the next academic year and research endeavors into Burma.
The students are eager to learn everything from WH school to share with their communities around inside Burma and Thai-Burma border. We are here to help them and their communities. However, we need your help to support them and upcoming students and upcoming projects!
Any contribution, large or small will go a very long way to ensuring Wide Horizons continues to do such great work.  


Fundraising Activity

Fundraising Party From Wide Horizons

Food + Games + Art = Community ACTION for change!
This March 19th, indulge in traditional Burmese snacks, test your luck in games and lucky draws, pamper your body with a neck and shoulder massage, let our student fashionistas braid your hair, take home a live sketch by Burmese artist, Wanna Zaw and purchase exclusively designed T-shirts and notebooks!
► 100% student-run
► 100% of proceeds go directly into training 24 young Burmese community leaders at Wide Horizons next year


Understanding human survive boundaries 

Wide Horizons students received Human Services training from Burma Border Project (BBP) on 11 February, 2016 with 4 trainers. We learned many things that we should know to communicate with the communities. The objectives are to understand the important of professional confines and to learn about moral performance. We have never learned this information before. However, while we are working with communities, it is essential to realize the way to communicate with the communities in the boundary. 

The boundaries are not only to care but also to respect the communities. The boundaries are not rules to stop our relationship. It is to improve our confidentiality between the organizers and clients. As organizers, if we have some complicated cases between our clients and us, we should report to our supervisor due to our responsibilities.

Finally, we, students also had discussion about developing safe working practices: Adults who work with vulnerable children and youth as practical before the end of training. We, students shared our opinions and performed the activities well based on the case study. We, students evaluated ourselves to know that we understood the training process or not by answering the questionnaires from BBP. Moreover, that evaluation is also for the WH students to prepare needs for coming projects. We felt thankful to BBP’s organization for gaving us this knowledge.


2015-2016 Wide Horizons Students Newsletter Volume 2

2015-2016 Wide Horizons Students Newsletter Volume 2 

Every year the Wide Horizons students plan, write, edit and publish student newsletters that are distributed to our donors, partners and friends in Thailand and abroad. During the 2015-16 academic year, the students published two newsletters in English that they subsequently translated into Burmese and Karen. 
The newsletters have been distributed and read all along the Thai-Burma border, as well as in faraway places like Europe and the United States and the feedback has always been overwhelmingly positive.

WH Newsletter Volume 2 (2015-2016) English  

WH Newsletter Volume 2 (2015-2016) Burmese 

WH Newsletter Volume 2 (2015-2016) Karen 

2014-2015 Wide Horizons Students Newsletter Volume 1

2014-2015 Wide Horizons Students Newsletter Volume 1 

Every year the Wide Horizons students plan, write, edit and publish student newsletters that are distributed to our donors, partners and friends in Thailand and abroad. During the 2014-15 academic year, the students published one newsletter in English that they subsequently translated into Burmese and Karen. 
The newsletters have been distributed and read all along the Thai-Burma border, as well as in faraway places like Europe and the United States and the feedback has always been overwhelmingly positive.

WH Newsletter 2014-2015 English 

WH Newsletter 2014-2015 Burmese 

Wide Horizons project

Executive summary of Bicycle Project 

Wide Horizons School (WH) is located in Mae Sot, Thailand. It was established in 2006 to build the capacity of young adults from Burma and the Thai-Burma border to work effectively in civil society organizations. There are 24 students and 5 staffs. They come from multi-cultural backgrounds and the majority of students are migrants and refugees. All of the students represent CBOs and they enroll into WH to learn how to write proposals and manage projects to help their community.

            In WH school, bicycles are the main mode of transportation for 24 students to perform daily errands and carry out school projects. In 2012, they received 20 bicycles from Global Neighbor. However, all the bicycles were second-hand and former students have used those bicycles for a long time. Currently, 5 bicycles are still working but out of these 5, 2 bicycles have no back seats. As for the remaining 11 bicycles, 9 bicycles are in very bad condition but 6 bicycles are able to be repaired. Out of these 6 repairable bicycles, 4 bicycles have major problems and 2 have minor problems.

            Therefore, students from the 2015-2016 academic year is proposing to repair these 6 bicycles in January 2016 to get enough bicycles for 24 students in WH school.

            After this project is accomplished, 24 WH students will get 6 new working bicycles in addition to the current 5 bicycles to perform their daily duties and school projects on time. Then, they can get more time for studying and manage time effectively. Additionally, the upcoming year 24 students can use them because we would have replaced the bicycles with new parts and we will leave a list of bicycles parts in a book so they are able to use it as reference when they need to maintain the bicycles after organizers leave. As a result, they will spend less money for transportation.

            To implement this project, we are asking for 2000 baht to buy bicycle parts to repair 6 bicycles.  

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Room to Grow Projects

Executive Summary of Hsa Mu Htaw Project

Hsa Mu Htaw School was established in 2003. It is located in Kappiband Village, Mae Sot, Tak province, Thailand. Their mission is to provide unparented and migrant students with the same education levels as students inside Burma. They also provide vocational training for students who cannot continue higher education. They come from different villages in the Thai-Burma border and inside Burma to continue their education in the school.
There are 47 students and 7 teachers living in Hsa Mu Htaw School’s dorm. Out of this number, 27 female students and 3 teachers are facing insufficient bathroom and water supply. At the moment, they have only one bathroom for female students but it is combined with toilet. For this reason, they have to use the small open-air feet washing place to take a shower. However, this area has no water tank to store water and the water pressure is very low. Therefore, each student takes a long time to finish showering because each student needs to wait for the water to fill their buckets before taking a shower. Currently, female dorm students have to wait averagely 30 minutes per-person to take a shower. This is especially a big problem for 15 female students who study in outside schools such as Hsa Thoo lei and Thai school, In the evening, they are late 1 hour and 30 minutes for dinner and also start their study time 1 hour late. (Refer to table 1)
This washing area also has no wall covering so neighbors are seen peeping at girls showering. This creates many security and privacy problems as well as schooling problems for those who live in the dorm. When students take shower, they feel not safe and cannot be on time for their lessons.
For this reason, we propose to build a brick wall around the makeshift bathroom and install a water tank with a capacity of 1000 liters of water with shower sprinklers. After this project, the community will get a new safe bathroom and sufficient water supply. A water tank will produce good water pressure and shower sprinklers will ensure students do not waste time filling up water in their buckets and this will help them reduce the time to shower. They can maintain the building for at least 5 years because it is built with good quality materials. Furthermore, during the implementation of the project, the students, teachers and some of the students’ parents will be involved. Therefore, if the building has to be fixed again, they can repair it themselves. In addition, the water tank comes with a 15-year guarantee.

To implement this project, our proposal is seeking 34,539 baht to install a water tank and build a wall for the makeshift bathroom.